JarBazaar values and upholds the protection of your personal information entered on this website.
This Privacy Policy outlines our procedures and practices for safeguarding your personal data
obtained through our website or during product purchases. It also details your privacy rights and the
legal protection provided for you.

Please take the time to carefully review the following information to understand our views and
approach towards your personal data.

Important information and who we are

JarBazaar, a company incorporated and registered in Delhi, India, with its registered address at 1212, Neelkanth Apartment, Sec-13, Rohini, Delhi – 110075, refers to itself as “we”, “us”, or “our” in this policy. As the data ‘controller’, JarBazaar is responsible for determining the purposes and methods of processing the personal data you provide.

Purpose of this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy endeavours to furnish you with information regarding the collection and handling of your personal data, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of how your personal data is used and safeguarded in our dealings. This encompasses the personal information we gather from individuals regarding our websites at www.jarbazaar.com (“Website”), and in connection with our sustainable cosmetic packaging and candle jars offerings (“Products”) and accompanying waste management consulting services (“Services”).

It is imperative that you thoroughly comprehend this Privacy Policy in conjunction with any additional privacy notices or fair processing notices that may be provided during instances when we collect or process your personal data. These supplementary notices aim to ensure that you are fully informed of the manner and purpose for which your data is being utilized, and they do not supersede any existing notices.

In this policy, we have employed the following terminology to encompass the various categories of individuals with whom we engage through our website and services:

Business Contact: an individual, employed as an employee, consultant, or agent of a supplier, distributor, purchaser, or any other commercial organization we interact with in reference to our business dealings.

Customer: an individual who makes a purchase from us, either through our website or any other means.

User: any person who accesses our website.

Third-party Links

Our website may feature links to third-party websites, plugins, and applications. By clicking on such links or enabling these connections, it may permit third parties to collect or share information or personal data about you. We do not exercise control over these third-party websites, and thus bear no responsibility for their privacy policies. When you navigate away from our website, we highly advise you to peruse the privacy policy of every website you visit.

How is your personal information collected?

JarBazaar makes use of various ways to extract data from and about you, which are as follows:

Direct Engagement: You may provide us with your personal data through completion of forms or through direct correspondence with us through personal interaction, email, telephone, postal mail, or other means. This includes the personal data you provide when creating an account with us and when requesting marketing communications to be delivered to you.

Automated Technologies or Engagement: As you interact with our website, we may automatically gather Technical Data concerning your equipment, browsing ways and actions, and patterns. This personal data is collected by us through the utilization of cookies and other similar technologies. Refer to the section on Cookies for further information.

Third-Party Sources or Publicly Accessible Information: We may receive personal data about you from different third parties and publicly accessible sources. For example, analytics providers like Google.

Information we collect from you

We may collect and process the following data about you:

Account Information: In order to make a purchase from us, you are required to establish an account, during which we collect your name, address, and email address.

Contact Information: This encompasses information about you provided through forms on our website, as well as other mediums such as email, fax, and telephone. This includes information necessary for account creation and login, such as first and last name, date of birth, billing and residential address, email address, and contact numbers.

Financial Information: This category encompasses bank account details, credit history, and credit reports.

Marketing Information: This encompasses your marketing preferences and communication preferences with regards to receiving marketing materials from us and our third-party entities.

Payment Information: For existing customers, we offer the option to securely store payment card information to expedite future transactions.

Technical Information: This encompasses information about the technology used to access our website, such as internet protocol (IP) address, login data, browser type and version, time zone, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, and device information.

Transaction Information: This encompasses information regarding the Products and Services purchased from us, as well as payment details.

Usage Information: This encompasses information regarding the utilization of our website, Products, and Services.

How do we use your personal information?

The utilization of personal information shall be executed only in accordance with the legal regulations. Typically, personal data usage occurs under the following circumstances:

  • In fulfilment of a contract established or to be established with you (e.g. product purchase)
  • With prior consent obtained from you (e.g. for marketing purposes)
  • Necessitated by our legitimate interests, with due consideration given to any potential impact on your rights and interests. The balancing of interests shall ensure that your rights and interests shall not be overridden by our legitimate interests. Exceptions shall be made where consent is obtained or mandated by law. Further information regarding the assessment of our legitimate interests against potential impact can be obtained by contacting us at the designated Contact Us page
  • To comply with legal and regulatory obligations
  • A comprehensive description of the intended usage of personal data and the legal basis thereof is presented in a tabular format below, along with the identification of relevant legitimate interests where applicable

Please note that our processing of your personal information may be based on multiple legal justifications, depending on the specific context in which the information is being utilized. If you require a comprehensive understanding of the specific legal basis that serves as the foundation for our processing of your personal information in cases where multiple grounds have been specified in the table below, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us by contacting us.

Purpose/ActivityType of DataLawful Basis for Processing
To set up your accountAccount InformationPerformance of a contract with you
To respond to your enquiriesContact InformationConsent (as you are requesting us to respond to you)
Legitimate interests
To process your orderAccount & Contact InformationPerformance of a contract with you
Storing payment cardsPayment InformationConsent
To send you marketing emailsMarketing InformationLegitimate interests (to market our goods services to our customer and contact base).
To tailor our website and enhance the user experienceTechnical InformationLegitimate interests (to improve customer interactions)
To communicate with you, as a business contact, regarding our work and its relation to your businessContact InformationLegitimate interests (to comply with obligations to partner organisations)
For audit, record keeping and management purposesTransaction InformationLegitimate interests (to run our business in a professional manner)
To maintain our connection with you, which will involve: -Informing you about alterations to our terms or privacy policy; -Getting in touch with you to provide reminders about critical usage matters; -Requesting that you leave a review or participate in a survey; -Following up on inquiries or expressions of interest, whether through online means, at a trade show, or over the phoneContact MarketingExecution of an agreement with you Mandatory to fulfill a legal requirement Vital for our legitimate interests (to maintain updated records, analyze the usage of our Products and Services, and enhance them in the future)
To manage and safeguard our business, website, and Services (including problem-solving, data analysis, testing, system maintenance, customer support, reporting, and hosting of information)Contact
Essential for our legitimate interests (for operating our business, providing administrative and IT services, maintaining network security, preventing fraud, in the event of a business reorganization or group restructuring, or correlating social media traffic with our clientele) Mandatory to adhere to our legal obligations
To utilize data analytics to enhance our website, Products and/or Services, marketing strategies, customer relationships, and overall experiencesTechnical InformationVital for our legitimate interests (to categorize users of our website, Products and Services, to maintain the relevance and currency of our website, to grow our business, and to guide our marketing approach)

Disclosure of your Information

We may need to disclose your personal information to the following third parties:

  • External service providers serving as processors, offering the following services:
  • Website hosting;
  • Metrics and analytics; and
  • Payment processing
  • Service providers, such as warehousing and shipping partners, to complete and deliver your orders.
  • It is important to note that this includes international service providers listed in the section on “International transfers”.
  • Professional advisors, including lawyers, bankers, auditors, and insurers, who offer consultation, banking, legal, insurance, and accounting services.
  • HM Revenue and Customs, regulators, and other authoritative entities acting as processors, controllers, or joint controllers may require reporting on processing activities in specific situations.
  • This involves exchanging information with other companies and organizations to counteract fraud and reduce credit risks.
  • Should we engage in the sale or purchase of any business or assets, we may have to divulge your personal information to the prospective buyer or seller of such assets or business.
  • In the event that JarBazaar undergoes acquisition by a third party or experiences a substantial transfer of its assets, the personal data concerning its customers will be among the assets being transferred.

We hold all third parties accountable for maintaining the security of your personal information and handling it in accordance with legal requirements. We do not permit our third-party service providers to use your personal information for their own purposes, only allowing them to process it for the specified reasons and under our direction.

Data Security

We have implemented appropriate security measures in line with industry standards to protect your personal data from accidental loss, unauthorized use, access, alteration, or disclosure. Access to your personal data is limited to employees, agents, contractors, and other third-party service providers who have a legitimate need to know. These individuals are bound by a duty of confidentiality and are only authorized to process your data based on our instructions.

Your personal information is stored on secure servers and any payment transactions are protected with SSL encryption and through trusted third-party providers. If you have been provided with or have chosen a password that gives you access to certain parts of our website, you are responsible for keeping it confidential. We kindly ask you not to share your password with anyone.

While no method of transmitting information over the internet is completely secure, we follow all PCI-DSS requirements and maintain industry-accepted security standards to safeguard your personal data to the best of our ability.

Duration of Personal Data Retention

We will keep your personal data only for as long as it is required to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, which includes meeting any legal, accounting, or reporting obligations.

The appropriate retention period for personal data is determined by considering factors such as the nature and sensitivity of the data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized access or use, the purpose of processing the data, and the availability of alternative means to achieve that purpose, as well as relevant legal requirements.

In general, personal identifiable information is deleted within 24 months, unless otherwise mandated by law. However, you may request for the deletion of your data earlier, as outlined in the “Deleting Personal Data” section.

In the event that personal data is anonymized, meaning it can no longer be linked to you, it may be used for research or statistical purposes indefinitely without further notice.


We utilize cookies on our website to guarantee a superior user experience. Cookies are tiny text files that are placed on your computer or mobile phone when you browse websites.

Our cookies help us:

  • Ensure that our website function optimally
  • Strengthen the security of our website
  • Anonymously track usage of our website
  • Improve your user experience
  • Continuously enhance our website for your benefit

We do not use cookies to:

  • Breach your Privacy: Our cookies are not used to gather any personally identifiable information without your consent, or sensitive information. We do not share any data with advertising networks or third parties. Your privacy is important to us.
  • Make Your Experience Monotonous: By utilizing cookies, we aim to make our website work smoothly for you and enhance the security of your visit. We also use them to analyze usage patterns and improve the user experience.
  • No Option to Opt-Out: Although our cookies enhance the overall user experience, you have the option to refuse them through your web browser. Please note that this may limit access to certain features on our website.

We use four groups of cookies on our website:

Session Cookies

ccSID (applicable to www.jarbazaar.com only)

PHPSESSID (applicable to www.jarbazaar.com only)

cookiePolicyPopup (applicable to www.jarbazaar.com only)

Temporary cookies, known as session cookies, are solely utilized during your visit to our website and are promptly removed from your device once your browsing session concludes. These cookies enable us to provide you with a seamless and optimal experience on our website and are crucial for you to be able to effectively browse our product offerings.

cookieAccepted (applicable to www.jarbazaar.com only)

By accepting our Cookie Policy through the ‘Got it’ prompt, a cookie will be stored on your device for a duration of 365 days. This cookie serves as a memory of your consent and eliminates the need for the prompt to reappear during future visits to our website. Every time you agree to our Cookie Policy, the storage period will be refreshed.

Analytical Cookies




Our website utilizes Google Analytics cookies to track anonymous traffic statistics and enhance the user experience. These cookies do not collect any personally identifiable information and keep all data completely anonymous. The insights gathered from these cookies allow us to continuously improve our website and provide the best possible experience for our customers.

Spam Protection Cookies (applicable to www.jarbazaar.com only)


Our contact form features a CAPTCHA code to prevent spam and enhance security. This generates a temporary cookie which will be stored on your device until you close your web browser.

WordPress (blog) Cookies (applicable to www.JarBazaar.com only)




Our blog/news page is powered by WordPress, utilizing cookies to keep track of the share counts on various social media platforms.

Important Information about Cookies

Please be aware that other entities, such as advertising networks and providers of external services like web traffic analysis, may also utilize cookies, which are beyond our control. These cookies are likely to be analytical/performance or targeting cookies.

By adjusting the settings on your browser, you can choose to block cookies. However, if you opt to block all cookies, including essential cookies, you may experience limited access to some or all parts of our website.

Your Rights

You are endowed with certain rights regarding your personal data as per the data protection laws. To learn more about these rights, please follow the links below:

  • Obtaining access to your information
  • Requesting correction of inaccuracies in your personal data
  • Requesting deletion of your personal data
  • Objecting to the processing of your personal data
  • Requesting restriction of processing your personal data
  • Requesting transfer of your personal data
  • Exercising your right to withdraw consent

To exercise any of the above-mentioned rights, please reach out to us. There is no fee charged for accessing your personal data or exercising your rights. However, we may charge a reasonable fee in the event of repetitive, clearly unfounded, or excessive requests. In such cases, we may also choose to decline the request.

For security purposes, we may request additional information to verify your identity before granting access to your personal data or fulfilling any other request. We may also ask for additional information to expedite our response.

We strive to respond to all legitimate requests within a month’s time. In exceptional cases where the request is complex or you have made multiple requests, it may take longer. In such cases, we will keep you informed and updated.

Access to your Information

You are entitled to request a copy of the personal information we possess regarding you, also referred to as a “Data Subject Access Request.”

This grants you the ability to obtain a copy of your personal data and verify that we are handling it in compliance with the law.

Correcting Personal Data

You have the right to request the rectification of any personal data that we possess concerning you. This empowers you to correct any incomplete or erroneous information in our possession, though we may need to validate the correctness of the updated information you furnish us with.

Deleting Personal Data

You have the power to request the elimination of your personal data from our records, where there is no valid reason for us to continue processing it. This is often referred to as the “right to be forgotten”. Additionally, if you have exercised your right to object to processing, if our processing of your data was unlawful, or if local laws mandate us to erase your data, you have the right to request its removal.

It’s important to note that in some cases, complying with your request may not be possible due to legal obligations. In such instances, we will inform you of the reasons at the time of your request.

Objecting to Processing

The right to opt-out of direct marketing is yours, and we always make sure to inform you if we intend to use your data for this purpose or share it with any third-party. By checking the appropriate boxes on our data collection forms or by reaching out to us at Contact us, you can easily exercise this right.

If you believe that our processing of your personal data interferes with your fundamental rights and freedoms, you have the right to object when it’s based on a legitimate interest or that of a third party. Although, there may be compelling legitimate grounds for us to continue processing your information that supersede your rights and freedoms.

Restriction of Processing

You have the right to request a pause in the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances, such as:

  • Verifying the accuracy of the data;
  • When our handling of the information is deemed unlawful, but you prefer it not to be erased;
  • If you require us to preserve the data even though it is no longer necessary, as it may serve as evidence in the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;
  • If you have opposed to our utilization of your data, but we must verify if there are overriding, legitimate reasons to do so.

Transferring your Personal Data

The transfer of your personal information is available to you under certain circumstances. Your data can be transferred to either yourself or a designated third party in a structured, easily accessible, and machine-readable format.

It’s important to note that this right is only applicable to the information that was obtained with your consent or used to fulfill a contract with you.

Withdrawing Consent

In the event that our processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to revoke it at any time. Please be advised that this action will not retroactively affect the legality of any processing that took place prior to the withdrawal of your consent.

Revisions to Our Privacy Policy

Our policy was last revised on March 9, 2022.

It is crucial that the personal information we maintain about you is accurate and up-to-date. Kindly inform us if there are any changes to your personal information during the course of our relationship.

Reaching Out to Us

We welcome any inquiries, feedback, or requests regarding this policy and can be contacted through our Data Protection Team at support@sh123.global.temp.domains

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